Electronic invoicing refers to the exchange of electronic invoices between two or more entities (business, government, citizens) involved in a commercial transaction.
According to Directive 2001/115/EC of the European Union, e-invoicing is defined as the sending of invoices by electronic means and includes the transmission, storage and digital processing.
Since 2006, based on the resolution (POL 1049/21-3-2006) electronic invoicing is allowed in Greece.
The ECG has acquired certification for installation EAFDSS tax mechanism type A Proline 650-750 and Casio FP500-600 with the signature processor from ELMISYSTEMS and implements electronic invoicing through them.
Since version 1.4.0 the signature processor includes the following capabilities, related to sending documents via e-mail :
• Creation of the document in pdf format from PDFCreator which is integrated in the setup of Signature Processor
• Saving adapted to the file-types required by the law (pdf, name_a.txt, name_ b.txt)
• Creation of an encrypted or not e-mail with the 3 files
• Automatically send encrypted or not e-mail to customer's e-mail address which can exist in the form of any document.
• Automatically send informative e-mail to the user with the delivery.
The signature processor can send e-mails by logging directly into smtp e-mail Server using an email account as the sender, or by using the default email client installed on the pc that runs the signature processor.
Furthermore, it can send e-mail to a local e-mail account which thereafter will forward each message to every different customer or send it directly to them.
Encryption is also achieved by using a password for each customer email account, which should be known by the client in order to open the . Zip file attached to the e-mail, containing the invoice in PDF format along with the digital signature and the corresponding name_a.txt, name_b.txt files of the invoice.
You may be automatically prompted to read the receipt from with the delivery of the e-mail.
Finally, by using the appropriate parameters, whichever of the copies we like, can be sent via e-mail and the rest can be printed or stored via PDF creator in a folder
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