Answers to the most frequently Asked Questions regarding SAP archiving and PBS add on for SAP ERP.
What are the PBS archive add ons? What are the requirements for installing the PBS archive add ons? In which SAP solutions can PBS software be used? For which SAP archiving objects are PBS solutions available? On which platforms can PBS software be used? Do I need a specific database license for PBS software? With which SAP releases can PBS software be used? In which languages are PBS solutions available? Is special end-user training necessary? Do the PBS archive add ons have a specific authorization concept? The user profile of administrators and users has to be added for indexing and display of archived data. In addition to the general authorization for the transaction namespace "/PBS/", the authorizations S_ARCHIVE and S_DATASET with the activity 01 (Create) have to be added to the profile of administrators. End users need the authorization objects S_ARCHIVE activity 3 for "Display", and S_DATASET with activity 33 for "Read". How large is the required disk space? Measurements at customers have resulted in an archived accounting document including the PBS index data having an average size of about 600 to 700 bytes. An archived SD order including the PBS index data has an average size of about 1500 to 1700 bytes. What are the consequences for the database due to archiving? Since the archived data and the PBS indices are outside the database, the disk space in the database, and therefore the costs involved for the administration are reduced considerably. PBS requires only about 10 bytes per document (which is only one GB for 100 million documents) in the database to access the PBS indices. Thus the solutions with the least disk space requirement in the database are the PBS solutions. You also receive the disk space savings in a QA system that is usually a copy of the production system for a key date. You can access the productive SAP archive from both systems using the PBS indexing so that you can test programs that access the archive in the QA system. The disk space for the archives is only required once. If you reduce a database from 400 GB to 200 GB, the QA system also reduces to 200 GB. You have saved 400 GB in the database in which about 50 GB for the SAP archive and the PBS indices is required. In total, you have saved 350 GB! In the same way, you can also access productive SAP archives from the test or development system using the PBS indices. Is there a recommended retention period for the documents in the database? How fast is the access to the SAP archive via the PBS indices? Is it also possible to have access to SAP archives if they are removed to external storage systems (optical data carriers or content servers)? What is the data backup concept for the PBS indices? Apart from in CFI and CSD, the PBS indices can also be removed with ArchiveLink to optical archive systems and, nevertheless, be processed using the PBS transactions. However, a copy should be retained in the file system due to the access speed. How many documents can PBS add to a module for an SAP archiving object? How do you archive PBS indices? Users with special authorizations can be given access to older directories. If, for example, an auditor of the financial authorities wants to audit a period that was more than four years ago, controlled via a PBS table, you can allow him to access the directories of the last four years (when doing this, you can use the fiscal year authorization in the SAP system to prevent the auditor from being able to select younger periods even though all younger directories and the database are read). If older directories are no longer required, you can exclude them from access, and remove them to slower media such as optical data carriers or non-online capable media such as backup tapes. Then, if necessary, they are easier to reload and activate for the access. These (reload) processes can be executed using an HSM system. An archiving concept for the PBS indices is realized with this removal in exactly the same way as for the archiving concept for SAP archives. At present, the long-term archiving concept is realized in the modules All other possible long-term archives depend on the customer requirements. This problem does not occur in some modules (CCO, CPP, CPM and CHR) due to the technique that is used (see the corresponding documentation in the administrator manuals of the respective module). Normally, it does not change anything for the end user. It is only the administrator who has to add some tasks to the standard procedures: Additional archive paths (directories) have to be created. The next option is the PBS Conversion Tool, which is used when programming with database selects. You can use this tool to copy your own report into a new one. In the copy process, the database selects are converted into a "select into table" and PBS function modules are generated to also retrieve the archive data in this table. Afterwards, the table's data is processed within a loop. This tool is useful in many common applications. More complex reports cannot be converted as easily, as this requires specific information about the data structures in use. PBS provides function modules and external subroutines that enable you to access and retrieve the archived data. Example programs are contained in the "Archive access tutorial" (transaction /PBS/UTIL_ACCESS_ARCH) from Release 4.6C. PBS can assist you in adapting your programs and reports at a reasonable additional cost. In many cases, especially in the module CFI, PBS already provides enhanced SAP standard reports that automatically evaluate databases and archived data. If you have developed your own reports from SAP standard reports, you can use the PBS solution as a basis for your own modified reports. PBS has its own logical databases, which either replace the SAP standard or define their own. In the former example, it is normally sufficient to replace the name of the logical database with the PBS name in your in-house report. This automatically provides archive access using PBS indexing. In the second example, you program a report as if it were intended to access the database only. The archive is processed by the PBS logical database using the PBS indices. Examples of using PBS function modules for accessing archived data are summarized in the Archive Access Tutorial. You can call up the Archive Access Tutorial in SAP Release 4.6C via the transaction /PBS/UTIL_ACCESS_ARCH.
PBS archive add-ons® are add-on solutions that can be used immediately for SAP data archiving. They are tailored to corresponding SAP modules and ensure that you can access all of your data quickly and seamlessly - in both archives and databases simultaneously - even after archiving.
You need to have successfully completed your SAP data archiving. Free capacity in the file system of your operating system is also required. The software is installed in the SAP program library using SAP standard tools. The only difference from the SAP standard is a PBS-specific namespace, /PBS/, that must be created first.
Most PBS software products are mainly used in SAP ERP or R/3. The PBS archive add ons are tailored to the corresponding SAP modules. PBS provides an expanding range of products for SAP NetWeaver BI, SAP Industry Solutions, and SAP Retail.
The development of new PBS solutions is pragmatic and focused on our customers' requirements. We now support most SAP archiving objects. You can access an overview under 'Availability by Archiving Objects'. To optimize your SAP data archiving, we recommend advance implementation of PBS Database Analyzer PLUS to determine the growth rate of your data volume and which modules are particularly affected.
PBS software can be used on any platform suitable for running SAP software.
No. Like SAP archives, the data generated by PBS software is stored in the file system of the operating system. Only about ten bytes per document are stored in the database tables set up during the installation of PBS software in an SAP system.
Many PBS archive add ons are already available for SAP R/3 3.1I and later. New modules will be developed first for the current SAP release and then ported to earlier SAP releases, if required. You can access an overview under 'Availability of the PBS archive add ons'.
German, English, and French are currently supported. For all other languages, we provide a PBS tool with which you can automatically generate translations in the language desired for up to 95 percent of the software.
Since the transactions involved are highly analogous to those in SAP standard software, end users do not need special training. For SAP R/3 4.0 and later, the SAP transaction name is preceded by the namespace /PBS/ (for example, /PBS/FB03 instead of FB03).
No. The authorization checks are the same as in the corresponding SAP transactions.
The required disk space decreases significantly due to the SAP data archiving and the subsequent PBS indexing. The data is compressed in both batch runs. Thus compared to the database, savings of up to 90% are possible in the logistics area. The gain in disk space reduces to only about 60% in financial accounting. This is due to the line items already being stored in compressed form in the database, and the savings effect mainly results from the saving of disk space for the index tables BSIS, BSAS, BSAD and BSAK that are reduced again by about 90%.
By relieving the load on the R/3 database, the performance and thus the response time of the system increase. Moreover, the times for the system backup decrease. The certainty increases in a large system for being able to execute a restore within an acceptable timeframe. An upgrade to a higher SAP release is often only possible after reducing the data through archiving. You can realize this using the PBS software so that the user does not have to do without a convenient access.
This is a question of confidence and adaptation of customer-specific programs. Many customers start by archiving completed documents from previous fiscal years and index them using the PBS software. If you have adapted all programs to the archive access, the runtime can also be reduced. There are PBS customers that archive monthly and immediately archive every document that has been completed and thus cannot be changed any more. Most of the documents have a retention period of 3 months, however, to assist end-of-quarter closings only from the database due to the runtime.
The access to the SAP archive via the PBS indices is at least as fast as the database access. Precondition is that the SAP archive is still in the file system of the operating system. If you use a database server and one or more application servers, the SAP archives and the PBS indices should not be on the database server because it is completely reduced from any load due to the archive access. You can also define a special archive server using the NFS mount. If you archive for the first time and the database has already some performance problems, archiving and PBS indexing have an acceleration effect because the database now works more performantly again.
The PBS programs recognize if the SAP archive is in the file system, or has been removed via ArchiveLink to an external storage system without further Customizing settings. The data is read automatically from there if required.
In the simplest case, the PBS indices can be included like the SAP archives in the normal backup concept for the file system of the operating system. This means that the modified directories are saved after the SAP data archiving and the PBS index setup. The data is not changed until the next archiving run. If damage occurs in the file system disks, you can change the drive at any time and reconstruct the content of the defective disk drive per restore. Consequently, the requirements for the archive server drives are by far not as high as those for the database drives for which the data security is often created by mirroring. Thus the costs for such drives are reduced.
In theory and in practice any number. If, however, archiving has reached a certain scale and a PBS long-term archiving concept (see this section for more information) has not been realized for the SAP archive, you should contact PBS referring a long-term archiving concept for this SAP archive.
For each PBS module in which the long-term archiving concept for an SAP archiving object has not been realized, a parameter exists in the index setup program. You can define the time from when the data in the PBS index should be transferred using this parameter. If you increase this time in a merge run, all older data is not transferred to the new directory and thus deleted. The disadvantage is that the data cannot be activated again if you need it once more. In this case, the PBS index has to be set up again with the old time. This is not the case for the PBS modules in which a long-term archiving concept has been realized.What does the term long-term archiving mean in the PBS archive add ons?
The volume of archived documents increases with continuous archiving. This inevitably increases the response times when accessing these archived documents. At the same time, the need to display documents decreases the older they are, and is nearly zero after some years. Without introducing the PBS long-term archiving all indices for an account would always be read even though you want to select specific, mostly younger indices using a filter. The long-term archiving concept now offers the possibility to split the PBS archive so that only exactly defined sections of the archive can be accessed permanently and the other sections are only taken into account according to specific preconditions in the selections. A sensible classification that is recommended by PBS is the classification according to archiving years:
For each new year you start with a new PBS index directory. Data is only added to this new, now current directory. The previous directories remain unchanged from the time a new directory was selected. But you can still access the previous directories according to specific criteria via a PBS table. This way, you can define that only specific users or processes in the background can access older directories. For example, you can assign only the directory of the current year and the previous year to the standard user. This user can then access the data of the current fiscal year and the previous year. Moreover, data from the years before last is available that is still in process or has been closed in the current year or the previous year.
Which PBS modules currently have a long-term archive?
For which other PBS modules or SAP archiving objects is a long-term archive planned?
What should you take into account if a long-term archive is set up in an existing PBS archive?
The old archive path must be entered in a PBS table. This table controls which directories are active.
The authorized users have to be assigned to a user group in the respective PBS table for the special access to older directories. Finally, the current archive path and the historical archive paths have to be activated.Can I adapt our in-house programs to PBS indexing?
There are different methods to adapt your own programs to PBS indexing. First of all, there are logical databases in every SAP module which are mostly used in the financial accounting component of the SAP standard. PBS has its own logical databases, which either replace the SAP standard or define their own. In the former example, it is normally sufficient to replace the name of the logical database with the PBS name in your in-house report. This automatically provides archive access using PBS indexing. In the second example, you program a report as if it were intended to access the database only. The archive is processed by the PBS logical database using the PBS indices.
I want to add PBS archive access to a report. The report is based on a logical database.
I want to use PBS function modules directly to access an archive. Where can I find some examples of this?
Tuesday, 08 March 2016 16:11
ELSOP has successfully completed the Contract Management project for Nea Odos Inc.
Monday, 16 February 2015 11:31
ELSOP's Mobility Department implemented SAP Fiori and customized Purchasing Workflow and Purchase Approval apps for Chipita, one of the largest Food Suppliers in Greece. The company has presence in 65 countries with 18 production plants in 10 countries. SAP Fiori was deployed for Bulgaria and Greece as first Golive. The Solution was deploeyd within 3 weeks.
Friday, 29 August 2014 10:59
ELSOP Consulting Group undertakes the Roll out implementation of SAP ERP for the Greek Entity of Playmobil in collaboration with Lufthansa Systems.
Wednesday, 14 May 2014 14:13
SAP AG today announced that SAP Fiori user experience (UX) and SAP Screen Personas software will now be included within underlying licenses of SAP software. For existing customers, SAP will provide a software credit redeemable against future software sales.
Friday, 05 June 2015 10:59
ELSOP Consulting Group undertakes the implementation of Qlikview for PAPADOPOULOU S.A.
Wednesday, 01 October 2014 10:59
ELSOP achieved a BW database compression from 3,5 TB to 340 GB! just by upgrading SQL to 2012 version in PAPADOPOULOU company BW system. Their queries performance is 4-5 times quicker! without any new aggregate or so.
This was done in 2 weeks in the production system and completelly transparent to the end users.
Wednesday, 14 May 2014 14:13
Take advantage of the new offer from ELSOP! Change radically your everyday enterprise reality with SAP Fiori. No more complicated processes and delays. Do everything via your mobile device, easily and quickly and feel SAP at the tips of your fingers. ELSOP brings you all of the benefits Fiori has to offer at a really affordable fixed price! Our offer includes installation of the proper software on your environment as well as implementation of 3 Fiori applications of your choice, only for 10.000 EUR.
Read more about our offer here.
Saturday, 26 April 2014 14:14
According Law POL 1022/31.01.2014 the Sales & Purchases Reconciliation Report (MYF) should be submitted monthly instead of yearly. The due date for submitting the data is 02.06.2014. SAP has issued 3 notes, as part of Hellenization package, with new solution for MYF reporting, without affecting the old programs.
New solution contains new set of reports and other objects, such as:
Wednesday, 09 April 2014 08:14
ELSOP’ s mobility department completed successfully the development of the “Sales Calendar” project on behalf of the Hellenic Petroleum Group. “Sales Calendar” is a mobile application designed for tablet devices using the Android operating system in conjuction with SAP's Sybase Unwired Platform. In the scope of the business on-the-go practices that the contemporary enterprise needs demand, the user, a Sales Executive or a Sales Head, can schedule or review the working program of every week with a few clicks. A Sales Head has extended privileges including inspection of the programs committed by the Sales Executives he/she is responsible for.
Tuesday, 12 November 2013 10:25
According to Law POL 1022/31.1.2014, report MYF should be provided to the Greek Authorities on a monthly basis with a specifc XML format.
For this SAP has already announced through SAP Note 1972510 - GR: new MYF montly format, XML output, for ECC 6.0 and Hellenization C-CEE 110_600 or subsequent, the required actions .
Tuesday, 12 November 2013 10:25
As you already know, the publishing in the Government Gazette (FEK 3513, 13.12.2012) and the ministerial decision POL 1221/2012, for the Upgrade of the support software for Special Secure Fiscal Device for Record Signing (SSFDRS) (Tax Devices) determine the necessary mode changes for them.
SAP has already announced through SAP Note 1825984, for ECC 6.0 and Hellenization C-CEE 110_600 or subsequent, the required actions according to the type of the device.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013 12:44
Type A tax device, models Casio FP500-600 with signature processor and signature processor 2. Conversion to pdf and automatic delivery of documents via e-mail as attached files with the corresponding name_a.txt and name_b.txt. Adaption to POL 1221 via selection functions to generate the e.txt file. The tax-devices were installed succesfully on hardware with 64-bit operating systems and restricted-user policies enforced. The installation is ready for sending the e.txt to the General Secretariat of Information Systems, that will apply from 01/01/2014.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013 09:44
ELSOP's certified application Mobile Basis for SAP is now available to download via the official SAP Store. You can download it here.
Friday, 13 September 2013 12:47
Type A tax device, models Casio FP500-600 and Proline 650-750 with signature processor and signature processor 2. Conversion to pdf and automatic delivery of documents via e-mail as attached files with the corresponding name_a.txt and name_b.txt. Customization and adaption to POL 1221 via selection functions to generate the e.txt file. The installation is ready for sending the e.txt to the General Secretariat of Information Systems, that will apply from 01/01/2014.
Thursday, 12 September 2013 14:47
Type A tax device, models Casio FP500-600 and Proline 650-750 with signature processor and signature processor 2. Conversion to pdf and automatic delivery of documents via e-mail as attached files with the corresponding name_a.txt and name_b.txt files.Customization and adaption to POL 1221 via selection functions to generate the e.txt file. The installation is ready for sending the e.txt to the General Secretariat of Information Systems, that will apply from 01/01/2014.
Thursday, 08 August 2013 14:33
ELSOP's certified application Mobile Basis for SAP is available via the Google Play store.
Monday, 05 August 2013 12:02
ELSOP is the first SAP Partner in Greece and one of the few in the world that earns a certification for a custom made mobile solution. Mobile Basis for SAP is designed to offer remote administration services for any SAP system. The application is available for purchase in the official SAP Application Store and a demo version for Android users can be downloaded from Google Play.
Monday, 15 July 2013 13:31
ELSOP's Mobility Department implemented a pilot Field Service application for Natural Gas Company, the only natural gas distributor and trader in the area of Attica, Greece. This Field Service application is hybrid, crossplatform and was developed on SAP Mobile Platform (SUP HWC).
Friday, 12 July 2013 09:31
ELSOP's Mobility Department implemented the Sales Distribution Credit Release application for Hellenic Petroleum, the largest oil supply, refining and trading company in Greece. SD Credit Released is a hybrid, crossplatform application developed on SAP Mobile Platform (SUP HWC).
Thursday, 11 July 2013 10:38
ELSOP's Mobility Department implemented the Sales Distribution Credit Release application for Hellenic Fuels, a leading company in retail fuels business in Greece. SD Credit Released is a hybrid, crossplatform application developed on SAP Mobile Platform (SUP HWC).
Wednesday, 10 July 2013 11:31
ELSOP's Mobility Department implemented the Sales Distribution Credit Release application for EKO, one of the largest energy groups in South East Europe and a leading Greek company in the oil sector. SD Credit Released is a hybrid, crossplatform application developed on SAP Mobile Platform (SUP HWC).
Thursday, 09 May 2013 11:07
ELSOP Consulting Group completed succesfully the SAP roll-out project for Total Hellas. Total is a French multinational integrated oil and gas company and one of the six "Supermajor" oil companies in the world.
Wednesday, 09 January 2013 10:23
ELSOP Consulting Group completed succesfully the SAP roll-out project for Italcementi Group. Italcementi Group is a multinational company, one of the leaders in production of cement, ready-mix concrete and construction aggregates.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012 10:47
ELSOP Consulting Group installed its custom made Mobile Basis application on Papadopoulos, one of the largest greek companies, with many years of presence in the biscuit industry and bread substitute segment. Mobile Basis by ELSOP is a SUP native Android application purposed for SAP system administration.
Wednesday, 12 September 2012 15:12
Type A tax devices , models Casio FP500-600 and Proline 650-750 with signature processor and signature processor 2. Conversion to pdf and automatic delivery of documents via e-mail as attached files with the corresponding name_a.txt and name_b.txt files.
Monday, 12 September 2011 14:23
Type B tax devices, model: DM100, DM1000.
Automatic conversion and storage through the SAP of the printed documents which have passed from the tax device as PDFs. Ability to search documents in PDF format from the SAP system.
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